
技术编号:6090257 阅读:588 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method, device and system for interactive modification of video conferencing auxiliary flow

The invention is applicable to the field of video conference, provides a method, device and system for interactive video conferencing modified auxiliary stream, wherein the method comprises the following steps: the establishment of information transmission channel between the terminal in the video conference, the information transmission channel including the auxiliary flow control channel; between the terminal through video conference the auxiliary flow control channel transmission to modify the information auxiliary flow, and according to the revised information to modify the auxiliary stream in the embodiment of the invention, the auxiliary fluid flow control by modifying the terminal auxiliary channel will modify the auxiliary flow information is sent to the auxiliary flow control terminal auxiliary flow control terminal will receive the auxiliary information is loaded into the auxiliary stream flow modification, and auxiliary flow to others involved in the video conference terminal sent by MCU modified, so that all involved in the video conference terminal can receive the auxiliary flow changes, and The interactivity of video conferencing.





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