
技术编号:6090041 阅读:191 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Expanding drilling bit

The invention relates to a reaming type decompression speed drill, the drill comprises a drill bit body, the bit body from top to bottom is composed of an upper joint, a cutting body and a lower joint, the cutting body is larger than the diameter of the upper joint and the lower joint diameter; in the cutting on the outer peripheral surface along the circumferential direction of a uniform design spiral flutes, spiral blade is formed between the chip groove; in the drill bit body on joint axial center is provided with a main channel, the main channel extends to the cutting body in the lower part of the bottom end of the sprue, a coaxial connected side channel, aperture is less than the sprue runner side and through the next joint; hole in the wall of the main channel respectively to each chip through setting upward inclined hole. The reaming Reaming drill with decompression speed to improve drilling speed, can reduce the damage to the drill bit; can produce a local low pressure vortex at the bottom, reduce cuttings clamping force, the cuttings accelerated swabbing clearance, reduce duplication of cuttings, improve the drilling speed.





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