
技术编号:6085893 阅读:224 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Channel correction system and method for transmitting digital beam forming technology

A calibration system and method for transmitting channel error transmission digital beamforming technology, the system comprises a transmitting channel, weight control unit, digital beam forming unit, synthesis unit, vector network analyzer, receiving and processing unit, correction calculation unit and a storage unit. The method of the invention comprises: 1. gain correction coefficient, system correction coefficient, positive coefficient from 2.; judging whether to update the correction coefficient, if it is, go to step 3; otherwise, go to step 5; 3. update correction coefficient correction coefficient; 4. update system; 5. emission correction channel; 6. determines whether to stop the correction. If it is, then the end of correction; otherwise, go to step 2. The method of the invention greatly simplifies the calculation, reduce the use of equipment; make full use of the launch of digital multi beam beamforming technology in the form of output weights, flexibly control the transmission channel, to ensure the consistency of the correction signal characteristic parameters of the transmission channel, more effectively to form a desired beam.





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