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技术编号:6085840 阅读:260 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Multifunctional drinking water machine

The utility model relates to a multifunctional drinking water machine is arranged in a tea box in front of the gap at the current drinking device shell, tea box is consist of three parts, the middle has a tea tea propulsion wheel box, separated by two parts, the upper part is under the storage of tea, tea tea export. The driving wheel by the installation of claw type motor in the water dispenser on the inner wall of the sleeve through two installed in the tea box Central outside is fixed on the main shaft of the motor fixing claw, a gate slot in the water dispenser, the motor is connected with the claw type motor limit switch is fixed on the slide, press the switch according to the tea board, the push rod pushes the gate gate open column driven activities of tea export and pushed to the limit switch of motor through the \U\ shape, conducting claw type motor drives the rotating wheel to promote tea, tea tea box, send In the lower part of the cup, if the tea switch board, under the action of the tension spring, the gate post and return the moving gate and cut off the current, the motor stops rotating claw no longer conveying tea, cup of tea is available in the water dispenser water brew, so to operate convenient and sanitary, has a good effect.





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