
技术编号:6085278 阅读:268 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Authentication method for group type machine type communication device based on Group

The invention discloses a method for authentication of a machine type communication device based on a group, which mainly makes up the defects that a large number of communication devices independently complete authentication of the home network and cause congestion of the network. The authentication steps are: (1) a set of equipment to be registered in the device on the server, and the corresponding group is configured according to the need for the establishment of a group of the group; (2) equipment successfully registered and configuration, to obtain a group of authentication vector from AuC; (3) to obtain certification of vector group later, in the group of equipment in group as the unit certification; (4) through group device authentication and service network in the process of normal communication, if you need to withdraw from the group of certain equipment, execute equipment exit process. Compared with the existing authentication method of the invention and 3GPP, optimized the signaling data service network and home network by authentication generated by reducing congestion link between them, is suitable for the deployment of a machine type communication device networking scene.





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