
技术编号:6077762 阅读:152 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and system for managing status of relay node

The present invention provides a method and system for managing state relay nodes, this method includes: the relay node base station informed using relay nodes dedicated physical downlink control channel scheduling the relay node information, or at the request to the base station sends a request for conversion to state switch relay function enable connection status, from the connection state transition to relay function as user equipment can make the connection status. In the invention, the base station to complete the relay node state control based on compatible with existing protocols, determine the base station using the starting time of the relay node for physical downlink control channel scheduling and control relay nodes, relay nodes to relay connections from the state transition function as the user equipment to enable the connection status. The invention has less modification to the existing protocol, and has simple realization and flexible configuration.





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