
技术编号:6070012 阅读:243 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Cordless telephone

A cordless phone comprises a host and auxiliary machine, the host comprises a first processing unit, a first power supply module, a first wireless transceiver module, the first telephone line interface, auxiliary machine consists of second processing units, second power supply module, wireless transceiver module second, voice encoding / decoding. The sub unit also comprises a second telephone line interface, which is connected with a second processing unit and a speech code / decoder. When the host and / or vice machine power failure, the telephone line into the second telephone line interface, second telephone line interface through the telephone line connected to the telephone network, the telephone line interface second to second processing unit and a voice encoding / decoding processing unit second power supply, the speech signal is transmitted to the voice encoding / incoming from second telephone line interface decoder. The cordless telephone of the invention has the function that the telephone line is inserted into the telephone line interface of the auxiliary machine only when the main machine and / or auxiliary machine are powered off, and the function of receiving and dialing telephone can be realized by the auxiliary machine, so that the user is convenient.





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