
技术编号:6069927 阅读:248 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Electromagnetic radiation prompting system and method for mobile communication terminal

The invention provides a prompting system and method for electromagnetic radiation of the mobile communication terminal, running on the mobile communication terminal, the system includes a parameter acquisition module, for access to the mobile communication terminal and electromagnetic radiation related parameters; parameter comparison module for the threshold parameters associated with the corresponding the comparison of the way; judgment module is used for judging whether the mobile communication terminal is currently being used in a safe manner; alarm module, for when the comparison result of the parameter comparison module is larger than the preset threshold, and when the judgment module judgment result is not currently in any way by the use of safety when start the alarm. With the invention, the electromagnetic radiation of the mobile communication terminal can be effectively monitored and prompted in time.





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