
技术编号:6069803 阅读:223 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Reinforced gabion retaining wall and construction method thereof

The invention discloses a reinforced gabion retaining wall and construction method thereof, the retaining wall is connected by more than one package unit of reinforced gabion structure superimposed, the unit includes gabion wall and double stranded poly metal net, extending end double twisted metal mesh polygon to bend into a groove shaped package gabion net, double twisted hexagonal metal net with compacted fill; the construction method for the prefabricated reinforced gabion board, and placed it on the ground, and then assembled on-site preforms were obtained, then filling stone gabion wall and then get on the side wall, gabion geotextile filling at the same time will be extended at the end of compaction, metal mesh to the top folded into a groove shaped package gabion net, have reinforced gabion structure unit; and on this basis, up to repeat the construction step Until completion of construction. The retaining wall of the invention has the advantages of labor saving, material saving, low cost, wide application range, good mechanical performance, etc..





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