
技术编号:6068138 阅读:370 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Quick mounting bracket for toilet seat cover plate

Toilet cover fast mounting bracket, a bracket and a base connected with the lateral side of the base, the chute connected with the bottom of the bracket is inserted, the base is provided with a regulating hole by pin type slider, a compression spring and a bolt inserting mechanism composed of a pin rod, and one end of the bolt is connected support notches on the plug. The other end of the elastic latch trigger lever is provided with a clamping hook, a boss is the card and the card hook bolt on the base at the end of the return trip, the trigger rod the bump hook and the boss from a toggle in connected at the bottom of the bracket. By sliding the slide button drives the trigger card hook lug rod, bolt connected with the bracket on the gap separation, the integrated bracket and the base can be separated in the separation process connected support bumps on the top of touch trigger rod, hook separation and lug bolt will automatically reset; insert connected support base after the bolt and automatically inserted into the gap base and connecting bracket is fixedly connected together; rapid installation and disassembly, it is much easier to cover.





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