
技术编号:6063431 阅读:224 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Magnetic field therapeutic device

The present invention provides a magnetic field treatment device, the magnetic treatment device comprises three or more magnetic group in the same plane, the magnetic component is an internal magnetic group and external magnetic group of more than two, the external magnetic group is arranged on the annular bearing body, the internal magnetic the group is arranged in the annular bearing body of the bearing on the shaft, the external magnetic polarity of the upper part of the same group, the group's internal magnetic part is composed of two parts opposite polarity with the annular bearing; the bearing body and at least one of the shafts and a the driving device is connected. The magnetic therapy apparatus provided by the invention can provide a plurality of magnetic fields to meet the demand of a plurality of magnetic fields in the treatment process.





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