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技术编号:6059902 阅读:180 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Gynecological multifunctional medicine discharging device

The invention relates to a gynecologic multifunctional medicine discharging device, which aims to provide a gynecological special medical appliance with simple structure, soft texture, accurate drug delivery and convenient carrying. The medicine delivery device is made of silicone latex, the lower part of the medicine delivery device is provided with an air storage bag, and an air flow check valve is arranged at the bottom of the gas storage bag. An air flow regulating valve is arranged at the upper part of the air sac, and the medicine is sent to the affected area by the suction pressure of the air sac. Put the medicine device at the top of the inside air to pieces, according to need to change the direction of the flow, press the drops from the water storage bag, evenly sprayed on the lesions. The multifunctional gynecological medicine releasing device effectively solves the embarrassing situation of difficult drug delivery and difficult cure for women patients, and improves the health level and the happiness index of women patients.





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