
技术编号:6055111 阅读:215 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Signal receiving method and device

The embodiment of the invention discloses a signal receiving method and a device, relating to the field of communication technology, and solving the problems of low signal transmission efficiency, poor receiving performance and waste of network resources. The embodiment of the invention according to the received signal spectrum to determine the decision plane; determine the communication channel of the received signal is quasi static transformation properties showed a quasi static; transform characteristics in the communication channel, using support vector machine method selected in the decision plane decision boundary; the communication channel did not show quasi static the transformation properties, using fuzzy clustering method in the decision plane were selected according to the decision boundary; the decision boundary detection of the received signal. The embodiment of the invention is mainly applied to a signal receiving device, in particular to a signal receiving device in a communication system adopting jump time pulse position modulation communication system or on-off keying modulation mode.





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