
技术编号:6052359 阅读:291 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Block decoding method, decoder and receiving terminal

The invention discloses a block decoding method and decoder and receiving terminal, including the block decoding method, the input sequence adjustment: decoding data for unified bits for data exchange; according to the length of the initial information to determine whether the replacement data need to mask processing, if necessary to mask processing fast Hadamard transform; for without replacement after treatment or to mask mask data; matrix obtained from the fast Hadamard transform to search out the maximum value; based on the maximum value and the corresponding standard, list decoding output. The decoder and the receiving terminal applying the decoder carry out unified block decoding using the decoding method. The invention can be applied to (32, O) and two (20, A) encoding unified decoder to realize fast decoding, but also through the store only after replacement of the mask to reduce the subset of storage, is conducive to the development of implementation.





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