
技术编号:6049318 阅读:212 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Vehicle mounted equipment, vehicle mounted system and on-board registration method

A vehicle systems, vehicle equipment, vehicle and recording method, including the vehicle system: the vehicle equipment, suitable for reading external memory in the login information, the login information including trust documents, processing and transmitting the login information in the account information to the service platform; the service platform that is adapted to receive the account information, the first to verify the account information, the first verification by notifying the data center; the data center, the first test is fit for service in the platform through the account information, a new corresponding account status. The on-board system and the on-board registration method of the invention enable users to obtain corresponding personalized service contents according to different account information, and simple login program of the on-board system. Furthermore, information loss and data leakage caused by a memory card malicious login system without a first trusted file are avoided.





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