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技术编号:52885 阅读:719 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

The new chicken feed Basin

A new type of chicken feed bowl, than it is now commonly used in chickens basin increased by three devices: 1 in the outer edge of the chassis feed chickens basin is additionally provided with a flexible protection ring of arbitrary height adjustment; 2 above the storage barrel inlet is additionally provided with a conical cap to 3; umbrella type cone type sealing trough shelter; new chickens feed basin has three major advantages: 1 can reduce feed waste of chickens to a minimum, to three. 90 days chicken slaughter as an example, each chicken less feed 0.2 kilograms; 2 droppings can not enter the feed from the spread of the virus in the feed and promote the healthy growth of chickens, can improve the survival rate of chickens; the 3 feed basin not only for indoor use of chickens, but also for the wild chicken use.





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