
技术编号:4175647 阅读:246 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method, system and device for processing path tracking request message

The invention relates to the communication field, and particularly relates to a system and a device for path tracking request method, message processing, in order to solve the problems of the prior art in network equipment can not track message forwarding path label switching problem of the internal network in need. The method of the invention comprises: from network equipment to receive the first path equipment package tracking request message of the first network in Baotou, will return address information on the path tracking request message, and set the first network Baotou survival time, continue to send; path tracking request message of the first network in Baotou received the survival time is equal to second the value of the equipment set in advance, the generated path tracking reply message, the source address will own the loopback address as the path tracking reply message, reply according to the address information, the return path tracking reply message. By adopting the method of the invention, the efficiency of network maintenance and management is improved.


一种路径跟踪请求报文处理的方法,其特征在于,该方法包括: 第一设备封装收到的来自外网设备的路径跟踪请求报文的第一网络包头,将回复地址信息置于所述路径跟踪请求报文中,并设置第一网络包头的生存时间TTL,继续发送; 收到所述路径跟踪 请求报文的所述第一网络包头的TTL等于预先设定的值的第二设备,生成路径跟踪路径跟踪回复报文,将自身的地址作为所述路径跟踪回复报文的源地址,根据所述路径跟踪请求报文中的所述回复地址信息,返回所述路径跟踪回复报文。



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