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技术编号:4173670 阅读:278 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Floor lift door type fire extinguisher box

The utility model relates to an open door fire extinguisher box with a floor lifting cover, which comprises a box body, a box door and a box cover. The box door is an integral type, and the right side of the box door is connected with the box body by a hinge, and the left side of the box door is provided with a hem. The box cover at the top of the box, and the box cover of the rear hinged box, a box cover, front left and right respectively with a box cover before folding, folding box cover box cover left right hem, the box cover is fastened before folding the top edge of the box door. The utility model relates to an integral box door, which has the advantages of simple manufacture and beautiful and clean appearance. When the fire extinguisher is taken, the box door is opened automatically, and the door is opened automatically, so that the fire extinguisher can be quickly and easily extracted, and the valuable time for fire fighting can be obtained. The whole box body is assembled, which can be disassembled when packed and transported, saves space, and is convenient for collection and transportation.





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