
技术编号:4173544 阅读:249 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method for monitoring and setting up digital network broadcast management system through LAN

A public broadcasting technology through LAN monitoring and setting up digital network broadcasting management system, system management issued broadcast information search digital network broadcasting management system to the LAN through the PC machine, digital broadcasting network management system in LAN in the received broadcast information search after their IP address and host name through local feedback to PC machine corresponding to the PC machine according to the search of the feedback information display all host LAN; system management personnel selection to operate or monitor the host through the PC machine, the host feedback real-time operation state of the equipment, the host machine of PC digital network broadcasting management system management, to the receiving host at any time the host control information and setting information according to the information, and the actual operation of real-time feedback system Status information. The invention utilizes the local area network and the PC machine resource to carry out simple and flexible multi-point management, multi person management and centralized management.


一种通过局域网监控和设置数字网络广播管理系统的方法,其特征在于,包括如下步骤: 步骤一、将若干套数字网络广播管理系统安置在广播机房或其它固定场所,在局域网中,根据需要安置管理数字网络广播管理系统的若干台PC机; 步骤二、将数字网 络广播管理系统的主机内工业用嵌入板网口引到控制接口模块输出,用网线连入局域网,每台PC机也也连入局域网; 步骤三,系统管理人员通过PC机向局域网发出搜索数字网络广播管理系统的广播信息,局域网内的数字网络广播管理系统在接收到搜索广播信息 后,将各自的IP地址和主机名通过局域网回馈给对应的PC机,PC机根据搜索到的回馈信息显示局域网中所有数字网络广播管理系统的主机; 步骤四,找到局域网中的数字网络广播管理系统之后,系统管理人员根据需要,通过PC机选择要操作或监视的主机, 通过局域网与选中的数字网络广播管理系统的主机按TCPIP协议进行信息连结,被选中的数字网络广播管理系统的主机反馈该设备的实时运行状态,该PC机对数字网络广播管理系统的主机进行管理,数字网络广播管理系统的主机随时接收发给本主机的控制信息和设置信息并按信息运行,同时,实时反馈系统的实际运行状态信息。...



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