
技术编号:4172619 阅读:535 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

GPRS blind zone compensation method

The invention relates to a method for blind GPRS compensation, is realized by the following steps: in the cache, if the GPS position did not change or change is very small, do not record these points, so that the limited space can record more sampling points; screening of GPS algorithm is: normal data records every 10 A second recording of a sampling point; if the distance between two sampling points is less than 100 meters, no record of second points; although if between two sampling points of the distance less than 100 meters, but the time interval for more than 30 seconds and record second points; the invention has the beneficial effect: it can save the cache space. Especially when the vehicle is stationary or slow; the blind track playback smoother; can effectively GPRS blind spot monitoring; vehicle mileage statistics error Greatly reduce.


一种GPRS盲区补偿的方法,是通过以下步骤实现的: 在缓存的时候,如果GPS位置没有发生改变或改变很小,不记录这些点,使得有限的空间能记录更多的采样点;筛选GPS数据的算法是: 正常的记录,是每10秒钟记录一个采样点; 如 果两个采样点之间的距离小于100米,不记录第2个点; 如果虽然两个采样点之间的距离小于100米,但时间间隔超过30秒钟,记录第2个点。



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