
技术编号:4171233 阅读:154 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Vertical rotary wheel humidifying plasma indoor air purifying device

The invention relates to a vertical runner humidifying plasma indoor air purifying device, which comprises a shell, the shell from bottom to top as the runner humidifying chamber and a plasma purifying chamber, the runner humidifying chamber is provided with annular humidifying wheel, is at the bottom of the humidifying wheel can be immersed at the bottom of the tank, the the plasma cleaning chamber is provided with a grounding electrode and the discharge electrode and the grounding electrode is cylindrical, connected to the power supply, the discharge electrode of rod-shaped, there are several discharge evenly distributed on the surface is connected with the output end of the high-frequency power supply, the grounding electrode and the discharge electrode insulation bracket together through the top of the shell. An air outlet is arranged, the lower side is provided with an air inlet, the air inlet is connected to the humidification of the space in the middle of the wheel. The structure is relatively simple, the ionization effect is good, the density of the plasma formation, can achieve high purification effect, and can regulate indoor air humidity, which can be used for indoor air and other similar air purification and humidity.





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