
技术编号:4170148 阅读:668 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method for joint signal detection and frequency estimation in wireless network

The invention relates to a method for signal detection in short-range wireless network, RF signal receiving and sending the first short-range wireless network in the end from the down conversion from baseband sampling receiving signal; sampling points began to read a symbol period length of the received signal from the received signal of arbitrary; each sampling point is conjugate after its operation the next time the sampling points multiplied by a group of related value sequence; the correlation value in the sequence of all relevant values are accumulated by decision value; calculation of energy statistics in the receiving signal value; calculation of decision value and the ratio of total energy statistics, and then compared with a threshold value proportion, to judge whether it is detected signal; phase signal is detected after calculation of decision value, the estimated value of the frequency calculated by this phase. The advantage of this method is to receive signals need only one symbol period, reduce the amount of data required for the received signal, and reduces the computation complexity and increase the real-time implementation of the system, improve the range of frequency estimation.


一种短程无线网络中信号检测的方法,其特征在于该方法包括以下各步骤: (1)接收短程无线网络中发送端发出的射频信号,进行下变频,得到基带2倍采样接收信号,采样间隔时间记为T↓[C]; (2)从上述接收信号中的任意采样点开始,读取一 个码片周期长度的接收信号,该接收信号序列记为r=[r↓[1],r↓[2],…,r↓[N]],其中N表示一个码元周期时间的采样信号个数; (3)对上述接收信号中的每个采样点进行共轭操作后与其相邻的采样点相乘,得到一组相关值序列,记为C= [c↓[1],c↓[2],…,c↓[N-1]],其中c↓[i]=r↓[i]↑[*].r↓[i+1],(.)↑[*]表示共轭操作; (4)对相关值序列C中所有值进行累加,得到统计值作为判决值,记为R=*c↓[i]; (5)计算接收 信号序列r中所有采样点的幅度的平方值后再累加,得到接收信号的能量统计值,记为P=*|r↓[i]|↑[2]; (6)计算上述判决值与上述能量统计值的比值U=R/P,与域值Y进行比较。若该比值U大于域值Y,则说明检测到信号;若比值U小于或 等于域值Y,说明无载波信号,返回载波空闲的信息,并重复步骤(2)到(6)的操作; (7)利用(4)的统计值R进行频率估计,得到频率估计值*。...



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