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技术编号:2981625 阅读:192 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Remote communication temperature measuring device using power line for data collection and transmission

The utility model provides a remote communication temperature measuring device which uses the power line carrier to transmit the temperature signal. Characterized by a temperature sensor 1 is directly connected to the MCU 2 MCU 2 through 6 communication interfaces and power modulation and demodulation chip 3 connected power modulation demodulation chip 3 through the civil low-voltage power line 4 is connected to the electric power modulation demodulation chip distal 3, power modulation and demodulation chip 3 through the communication interface 6 is connected to a central computer 5, through the power line temperature measuring device of the collected temperature signal is transmitted to the central computer, the temperature data collected by the temperature measuring device, the temperature data in accordance with the single-chip communication format of data packets, connected to the power modulation demodulation chip through the communication interface, and the electric power modulation demodulation chip modulated into the power line carrier signal, and then through the power line transmission to the data collecting station, centralized data modem chip will stand in the power line carrier signal demodulation data Package, and is transmitted to the central computer through the communication interface. In order to achieve the remote collection and transmission of indoor and outdoor temperature, a data collection station can simultaneously accept the temperature data of a plurality of remote communication temperature measuring devices.





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