
技术编号:2783494 阅读:246 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Embroidery machine frame position closed-loop control device

The invention relates to an embroidery machine tabouret position closed-loop control device for embroidery machine control box position embroidery, embroidery machine comprises a fixed frame of the embroidery fabric, embroidery frame drive unit X axis and Y axis drive unit, a drive control unit, conveying signal to X axis displacement embroidery frame drive unit and the drive shaft Y the unit, which is characterized in that the grating displacement sensor optical head is fixed on the frame should be X / Y axis two axis direction, move together with the frame, grating displacement sensor position signal is converted into digital signal, through the cable is transmitted to the DSP data sampling interface, through the software compensation algorithm, and then corrected shift the frame displacement, and the driving control unit will be modified X / Y signal axis displacement shift frame transmission to X axis embroidery frame drive unit and a Y axis drive unit. The invention achieves closed-loop software frame shift control, to make up for the current lack of open loop control in frame shift, the actual effect is to ensure that the frame shift accuracy, improve the quality of embroidery, overcomes the deviation on mechanical assembly.





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