
技术编号:2776304 阅读:182 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Long distance monitoring equipment for industrial equipment park with different property

A kinds of industrial production equipment (18, 22, 26) remote monitoring device of the park, one for each device (18, 20, 26) are information acquisition device on equipment operation information (20A, 20B, 24A, 25B, 32A, 32B). The information acquisition device with the device and (18, 22, 26) connected to the communication device (40) and a remote monitoring device (48, 50, 52, 54) is connected with the communication device (40) can be the information from the communication device and the device to the remote monitoring and. All the communication devices (40) have the similar device information structured in accordance with the unified structure, independent and device properties and the acquisition of information, and the remote monitoring device has at least one communication device and the whole device (40) connected to the monitoring station (48, 50, 52, 54), a or each monitoring station has uniform structure acquisition in one or more devices to the information using the device.





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