
技术编号:22757393 阅读:29 留言:0更新日期:2019-12-07 04:58

A recovery process of dichloromethane from waste gas

The first step is to introduce the waste gas (1) containing dichloromethane into the bottom of the dichloromethane absorption tower (3), and send the lean white oil (12) to the top of the dichloromethane absorption tower (3). After the two phases are in reverse flow contact in the tower, the tail gas (5) on the top of the tower is directly discharged to the atmosphere, and the rich white oil (4) is sent to the desorption tower (8); the second step is to introduce the lean white oil (12) into the top of the desorption tower (8) In the first step, the rich white oil (4) is pumped out by the dry vacuum pump (9) on the top of the desorber (8) and condensed, then the steam flows back, and the dichloromethane liquid (11) is produced. The analyzed lean white oil (12) is used to preheat the rich white oil (4), then cooled to 20 \u2103 and returned to the dichloromethane absorption tower (3) for reuse.





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