
技术编号:22694085 阅读:142 留言:0更新日期:2019-11-30 06:32
本申请提供一种系统消息冗余版本的确定方法及装置。通信设备确定至少一个时域资源单元Ux,并根据所述时域资源单元Ux,确定系统消息在所述时域资源单元Ux的冗余版本RVx,其中,x为所述时域资源单元的标识,所述冗余版本RVx满足RVx=(Int1(X1/X2*(Int2(x/M)mod K)))mod L,其中x为非负整数,X1和X2为非零实数,M为正实数,K和L为正整数;mod表示取模;Int1表示上取整或下取整,Int2表示上取整或下取整。

Method and device for determining redundant version of system message

The application provides a method and a device for determining the redundant version of a system message. The communication device determines at least one time domain resource unit UX, and according to the time domain resource unit UX, determines the redundant version RVx of the system message in the time domain resource unit UX, wherein X is the identification of the time domain resource unit, and the redundant version RVx satisfies RVx = (INT1 (x1 / x2 * (INT2 (x / M) mod K))) mod L, wherein X is a non negative integer, X1 and X2 are non-zero real numbers, M is a positive real number, K and L is a positive integer; mod is modulo; INT1 is round up or round down; INT2 is round up or round down.





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