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技术编号:22651009 阅读:45 留言:0更新日期:2019-11-26 18:46

Chinese character skeleton code input method and system with screen prompt interface

The invention discloses a \Chinese character skeleton code input method with screen prompt interface\, an extended \character interface interaction and information processing system\ and a device based on it, which provides a Chinese character skeleton code input method with screen prompt guidance interface with very low thinking amount, high speed efficiency, and an information exchange based on the Chinese character interface The mutual processing system, similarly applicable to Korean: main steps: 1) according to the font characteristics of Chinese characters, it can be divided into several skeleton categories, and cluster the Chinese characters with the same skeleton respectively, and can be arranged according to certain rules, each skeleton can be represented by a representative character made by the invention, forming skeleton category table and respective in class character set; 2) display the representative characters of various skeletons by computer , and all or part of the same skeleton words, and display the prompt interface on different \virtual key\ areas: 3) the user selects the representative words of the required skeleton category or a specific word in the category for input.





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