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技术编号:21312993 阅读:34 留言:0更新日期:2019-06-12 12:25

Communication Device and Method for Multiuser Space Modulation

The present disclosure relates to a communication device and method for multiuser spatial modulation. The communication device includes a processing circuit configured to map the first information bit portion for the receiving end to a corresponding channel based on a predetermined mapping rule to perform spatial modulation of the first information bit portion of the receiving end, to allocate transmission power for the receiving end, and to control the transmission power transmission for the second communication for the receiving end through the mapped channel to allocate transmission power for the receiving end. The bit-to-bit portion. In the case that the first information bit portion for multiple receivers is the same, the channels mapped for multiple receivers are the same. The disclosed multi-user spatial modulation improves the additional modulation order and data transmission rate available at each receiving end by multiplexing channels at the transmitter to simultaneously spatial modulate multiple receivers.





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