
技术编号:20596982 阅读:29 留言:0更新日期:2019-03-16 12:33

Transmitter Joint Preprocessing Method, Device and System

The embodiment of the present invention relates to a joint pre-processing method and device at the transmitter, which includes acquiring a first channel matrix in the direction of at least one receiving device to at least one transmitting device in the first stage and a second channel matrix in the direction of at least one transmitting device to at least one receiving device in the first stage, and applying channel symmetry according to the first channel matrix and the second channel matrix. Determine the corrected diagonal parameters between the first channel matrix and the second channel matrix; obtain the third channel matrix from at least one receiver device to at least one sender device in the second stage, where the first stage precedes the second stage; and transmit the signal to be emitted by at least one sender device based on the third channel matrix and corrected diagonal parameters in the second stage. Combined pretreatment at the sending end. It can be seen from the above that the interference cancellation effect is good in the embodiment of the present invention.





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