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技术编号:20596865 阅读:22 留言:0更新日期:2019-03-16 12:26

High Precision Balanced Charger

A high-precision balanced charger (100) includes a dynamic buck circuit (102), a charging circuit (103), a main control circuit (104), a voltage sampling circuit (105), a current sampling circuit (106) and a high-precision reference voltage circuit (107). The dynamic buck circuit (102) is used to provide different controllable dynamic voltages for the main control circuit (104); the high-precision reference voltage circuit (107) is used to raise the main control circuit (104). For high precision voltage reference; charging circuit (103) is used to accept the control of the main control circuit (104) and charge multiple batteries in series; voltage sampling circuit (105) is used to sample the charging port voltages of different batteries of charging circuit (103); current sampling circuit (106) is used to sample the current of charging circuit (103); main control circuit (104) is used to receive voltage sampling signals. A number and a current sampling signal are sampled, and according to the sampled signal, a plurality of batteries are charged by the charging circuit (103) which controls the charging circuit. The high precision balanced charger (100) can charge multiple lithium batteries at the same time. Its advantages are fast charging speed, high voltage precision, good voltage consistency and high balance.





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