
技术编号:20500764 阅读:141 留言:0更新日期:2019-03-03 04:32

A Random Access Method and Sites

A random access method and a station are used to solve the problem that the scheduled station with random access capability has a low probability of success in the upstream transmission by dispatching the random access resources allocated by the station. The method of the invention includes: dispatching station generates resource information and site information, resource information is used to indicate the channel resources allocated by dispatching station, site information is used to indicate the random access resources of the first station, the first station is all or part of the stations dispatched by dispatched station with random access capability, and the second station is the station with random access capability. All stations except the first station have the capability of computer access; dispatching stations send resource information and site information; the first station makes random access within the channel resources indicated by the resource information according to the instructions of the site information; and the second station determines according to the instructions of the site information that there is no random access within the channel resources indicated by the resource information.





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