
技术编号:20291323 阅读:22 留言:0更新日期:2019-02-10 21:17

Methods, devices and systems for safety control

The present invention relates to a system, apparatus and method for security control, which includes: a first device that provides information that can be used to determine whether a single person exists in a target area; a second device that can be arranged at the entrance of a designated area to control the entry of a person into the designated area; and at least one induction device for detecting the presence of a single person in the target area. Whether there is an activated transmitting unit that a person entering the designated area needs to carry; and, a control device for allowing the second device to permit when determining the presence of a single person in the target area based on the information from the first device and determining the presence of the activated transmitting unit in the target area using the at least one induction device. Personnel located in the target area enter the designated area. The system, device and method can improve the safety of personnel.





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