
技术编号:20083776 阅读:23 留言:0更新日期:2019-01-15 03:37

A Fingerprint Sensing Chip and Terminal Equipment

The application provides a fingerprint sensing chip and a terminal device, including a first signal, a second signal and a driving signal; the fingerprint sensing chip generates the second signal from the first signal and generates the driving signal after lifting the second signal to the ground; and the driving signal is used to provide a driving voltage for fingerprint sensing. The terminal device includes a power supply and the fingerprint sensing chip; a power supply is used to provide power for the fingerprint sensing chip; and the fingerprint sensing chip is used to sense fingerprints. The integration of the first chip and the second chip in the existing technology into one chip reduces the complexity of the production of the two chips, reduces the area occupied by the whole circuit, and meets the user's requirements for thinner and thinner terminal equipment. Moreover, the fingerprint sensing chip lifts the driving voltage of fingerprint sensing to eliminate the discomfort of users when using fingerprint to authenticate the security of terminal equipment.





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