
技术编号:19564723 阅读:100 留言:0更新日期:2018-11-25 01:25

Data transmission method and user equipment

The embodiment of this application provides a data transmission method and a user equipment. The data transmission method of the embodiment of the present application includes: the user equipment determines the narrowband time-frequency resource scheduled by the base station; the user equipment carries out idle channel evaluation CCA channel detection on the narrowband time-frequency resource to obtain the channel energy value of the narrowband time-frequency resource; and the user equipment determines the channel energy value. Whether it is less than the preset energy threshold or not; if the channel energy value is less than the preset energy threshold, the user equipment transmits upstream data to the base station on the narrowband time-frequency resource. The base station schedules the narrowband time-frequency resources for the user equipment, so that the user equipment transmits the upstream data on the narrowband time-frequency resources. Different user equipment may transmit data on different narrowband time-frequency resources. CCA channel detection on narrowband time-frequency resources can increase the access chances of user equipment to channel and increase the utilization rate of upstream time-frequency resources.





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