
技术编号:19554540 阅读:68 留言:0更新日期:2018-11-24 22:34

A Cardiac Volume Recognition and Analysis System

A heart volume recognition analysis method and system includes: acquiring multi-frame ultrasound images (501, S10) continuously collected over a predetermined period of time; identifying the sectional type of the heart (S12, S202, S203) of the multi-frame ultrasound image data (501); identifying the cardiac cycle (S14, S204, S205); and identifying a cardiac cycle (S14, S205). The position and shape of left ventricular endocardium in each frame of echocardiogram (S16, S206, S207, S208); according to the position and shape of left ventricular endocardium, the quantitative parameters of ventricular volume at the corresponding time of each frame of echocardiogram are calculated, and the ventricular volume curve (701, S18, S209) is obtained; the output ventricular volume curve (701), and/or the root are obtained. According to the ventricular volume curve (701), the clinical parameters representing cardiac function (S19, S210, S211, S212, S213) were calculated and output. This method does not need to connect ECG signal wires and modules in the actual use process, which simplifies the workload of users and improves work efficiency.





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