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技术编号:18899519 阅读:30 留言:0更新日期:2018-09-08 14:23

A progressive sequential valve and its sequential driving method

A reciprocating sequential valve and a sequential driving method thereof comprise a reciprocating plunger cylinder (1), a first hydraulic cylinder group and a second hydraulic cylinder group, each containing two hydraulic cylinders (11, 12, 13, 14), and a reciprocating plunger cylinder (1) with one of each hydraulic cylinder group through an end opening and a connecting tubing. The reciprocating plunger cylinder (1) is connected with another hydraulic cylinder in each hydraulic cylinder group through the side wall oil opening and the connecting oil pipe. A connecting pipe is connected between two oil pipes connecting two hydraulic cylinders in each hydraulic cylinder group, and a one-way valve (9, 10) is arranged on the connecting pipe. The duplicate sequential valve can form a duplicate two-position four-action sequential valve. Series and parallel connection of multiple duplicate two-position four-action sequential valves can form a non-electromagnetic servo automatic control hydraulic unit, such as a legged hydraulic robot alternating step mechanism, a four-cylinder four-stroke internal combustion engine valve sequential opening and closing and a linkage fuel pressurized injection mechanism.





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