
技术编号:18582709 阅读:26 留言:0更新日期:2018-08-01 15:22

A method and equipment for networking between devices

The present invention provides a method of networking among devices, including: the user mobile C connects the main router A, and scanned the device B around the network, and the user mobile C clicks on the B device, and sends the B information (such as the SSID of the device B) to the main router A; the main router A receives the message sent by the cell phone C, and the master router is obtained after the message sent by the cell phone C. Take the SSID that is to be added to the device B, and send the notification message to this SSID (the message needs to include the SSID and password of the router A, the password needs to be encrypted), notifying B to connect to yourself (the main router A); after the device B receives the SSID and password of the main router A, to connect to the master router A, set up add completion.





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