
技术编号:18582603 阅读:15 留言:0更新日期:2018-08-01 15:20

A method and device for SeNB key update

An embodiment of the present invention provides a method of SeNB key update, including: MeNB establishes a RRC connection with UE, and determines the first SeNB and second SeNB connected to UE; MeNB calculates the key S of the first SeNB's key S KeNB1 and the second SeNB, and adds a request to the first and second hair. The first request confirms the message and receives a second request confirmation message from the second SeNB feedback; the MeNB sends the RRC reconfiguration request to UE according to the first request confirmation message and the second request confirmation message, and the RRC reconfiguration request carries the key update information of the first SeNB and the key update information of the second SeNB. The embodiment of the invention also provides a device for updating the SeNB key. The application of this invention can reduce the number of signaling interaction between MeNB and UE, improve the efficiency of key update, and enhance the advantages of the user experience of key update.





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