
技术编号:18501991 阅读:235 留言:0更新日期:2018-07-21 23:14

A method and device for simultaneous connection of cellular network and WLAN

The embodiment of the invention provides a method and device for simultaneously connecting a cellular network with a wireless LAN WLAN. The method includes: the base station acquires identity information of the user device UE in the cellular network; the base station acquires the address information of the access point AP of the WLAN; the base station sends an indication message containing the address information of the AP to the UE, and the indication message is used to indicate that the UE root is sent to the AP according to the address information of the AP. The request for access to the WLAN; when the UE is connected to the WLAN, the base station acquires the identity information of the UE in the WLAN; the base station associates the identity information of the UE in the cellular network with the identity information of the UE in the WLAN. By adopting the technical proposal of the invention, the throughput of the network can be improved.





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