
技术编号:18467226 阅读:20 留言:0更新日期:2018-07-18 16:40

A living service system

A life service system, which belongs to the field of intelligent life technology, including: a service platform (100), and the service platform (100) including an analysis control module (10), which is electrically connected to the analysis control module (10) with an electrical management monitoring module (11) for collecting the user's electrical receipts and monitoring the power operation data, and used for storage by the control module (11). The storage module (17) of the data transmitted by the control module (10), a communication module (20) for transmitting the data of the analysis control module (10) to the external communication, and a notification module (30) when the monitoring anomaly is detected and the alarm is detected. The service system is convenient for users to understand the use of their own water, electricity and gas at any time and anywhere, and can easily and quickly pay, obtain relevant details and obtain maintenance services. And when the data of their own lines appear abnormal, it can be learned in time so as to eliminate the hidden dangers in time and facilitate the life of the users.





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