The utility model provides a composite wall with a three-dimensional steel wire mesh. The composite wall consists of the first concrete layer, the first sound insulation layer, the first insulation layer, the second sound insulation layer, the second insulation layer, the third sound insulation layer and the second concrete layer, among which the thickness of the first concrete layer is greater than second. The thickness of the concrete layer is embedded in the first concrete layer with a first wire mesh frame, and a second wire mesh frame is embedded in the second concrete layer, and the first wire mesh frame is fixed to the second wire mesh frame through a plurality of abdominal tendons. The utility model has two layers of steel wire grids embedded in two layers of concrete respectively. The abdominal tendon runs through the functional layers in the middle of the two layers of concrete, and the two ends of the abdominal tendon are fixed to the net frame respectively. In this way, a very solid three-dimensional interconnection structure is formed in the whole composite insulation wall, and the grid frame can bear a large load. And the web reinforcement can transmit all kinds of external load evenly to each layer of the thermal insulation composite wall, thereby dispersing stress and achieving the purpose of increasing the strength of the wall.
外墙外保温顾名思义是一种把保温层放置在主体墙材外面的保温做法,因其可以保护主体墙材不受过大的温度变形应力,是目前应用最广泛的保温做法,也是目前国家大力倡导的保温做法。因为保温材料置于建筑物外墙的外侧,基本上可以消除建筑物各个部位的冷、热桥影响。能充分发挥轻质、高效保温材料的保温效能,相对于外墙内保温和夹心保温墙体,在使用相同保温材料情况下,需要保温材料的厚度较小,达到较高的节能效果。建筑外墙外保温提高了墙体的保温隔热性能,减少室内热能的传导损失,增加了室内的热稳定性。另外还在一定程度上阻止了风霜雨雪等对外围墙体的浸湿,提高了墙体的防潮性能,避免了室内的霉斑、结露、透寒等现象。进而创造了舒适的室内居住环境。另外因保温材料铺贴于墙体外侧,避免了保温材料中的挥发性有害物质对室内环境的污染。众所周知的是对于外墙外保温而言,因为保温层在墙体外侧,所处环境恶劣,所以对保温体系各材料要求较严格,材料要求配套及彼此相容性好,对保温系统的耐候性和耐久性提出了较高要求。目前的钢丝网架类外墙保温板制作工艺是将单面钢丝网架聚苯板内置于砼墙体的外模内侧,墙体砼浇筑时与钢丝网架聚苯板一次浇注成型为复合墙体。钢丝网架聚苯板在工厂预制成块体,现场根据排板尺寸裁割拼装,外墙主体与保温层一次成活,工效提高,工期缩短,施工安全。但是这种工艺中使用的钢丝网架结构、设置位置设计不合理,不能有效将力均匀传导至整个材料,导致材料出现部分位置上的应力集中,从而降低了材料的整体强度。同时,现有的外墙 ...