
技术编号:18260671 阅读:33 留言:0更新日期:2018-06-20 11:04

A resource scheduling method, device and system

The invention provides a resource scheduling method, device and system, which involves the field of communication technology, and can avoid the phenomenon of data loss in the process of transmission service, thus improving the reliability of traffic transmission. The method includes: UE sends the UE high frequency business processing power to the base station and receives information from the high frequency resource sent by the base station, the UE's high frequency service processing capability is used for the base station to allocate high frequency resources for the UE, and the high frequency service processing capability of the UE is used to characterize the service processing capability of the UE in the high frequency mode, and the high frequency resource. The information is used to instruct the UE to transmit the UE service on the high frequency resource. This method is used for the base station to dispatch high frequency resources for UE.





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