
技术编号:16936133 阅读:30 留言:0更新日期:2018-01-03 06:43

A network access method and terminal

The embodiment of the invention provides a terminal and a network access method, relates to the field of communication, can avoid the current network can not meet the business needs of various network services or business interruption caused by Caton and other issues. The method comprises: a first network terminal to obtain a service to be performed by the terminal according to the priority; the relationship between network service priority and network service level of the terminal stores, determine the implementation of the network service level of the business needs of the first network; the first network access to the current access to the terminal of the network service level, if the network service level first network the implementation of the network service level is lower than the business needs of the first network, the terminal access network service level is higher than the network service level of the first network of the second network, second network and the use of the implementation of the first network business.





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