
技术编号:16935815 阅读:42 留言:0更新日期:2018-01-03 06:21

A method, device, and system for a media service agent

The invention discloses a method for media service agent, applying the method to the media resource sharing system, the system includes a media server and the media terminal equipment sharing media resources, media server, media server and user agent including non designated media proxy server, server storage media resources, correspondence storage the address description information and media resources in a media server storage agent of media resources, the method includes: the media server receives the transmission of media terminal media resources access request, describe the information media access to resources carrying the request in the media resources, according to the request of media resources and information resource description correspondence between the memory address determines whether the requested media resources, the memory address for the media. The end device gets the requested media resources. The method of media service agent provided by the embodiment of the invention can improve the efficiency of obtaining media resources.





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