
技术编号:16934997 阅读:56 留言:0更新日期:2018-01-03 05:24

A cost management system and method based on intelligent meter

The invention discloses a cost management system and method of smart meter based on the system, including smart meters and cloud platform, smart meters and cloud platform to communicate through the network, the cost of smart meter management at least two kinds of fees corresponding to the execution fee and produce chargeback records; cloud platform for receiving center chargeback, chargeback records written parameters required for the management of the smart meter. The system makes full use of the only meter function, and uses a variety of living expenses to make use of the electric meter to deduct the fee. On the one hand, it simplifies the payment procedure and facilitates the use of customers; on the other hand, because each user uses the meter to pay the related expenses, it shares the amount of computation of the server, and realizes the function of resource optimization, distribution, payment and unified management. The system can be widely used in various charge management systems.





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