
技术编号:16383888 阅读:30 留言:0更新日期:2017-10-15 22:59

Multifunctional self generating wireless charging shoes

A multifunctional self power wireless charging shoes, comprising: step counting device is provided with a shoe body, a shoe body (1), GPS (2) and the positioning device of the self generating device (7), wherein the step counting device (1), GPS (2) and the positioning device of self generating device (7) connected to the microprocessor (5), the self generating device (7) for generating periodic use of the pace of stampede, also includes a power transmitter (3), the power transmitter (3) electrically connected to the microprocessor (5), through which the power transmitter (3) and in the micro processor (5) under the control of complete with external equipment of radio transmission. The multifunctional self power wireless charging shoes, for motion data acquisition and intelligent positioning, while walking to power this way or mobile phone can encourage more people to get health benefits for power generation and charging at any time; can be used as mobile terminal equipment also can be used as mobile power charger, electric energy storage, in addition, can the pace to keep warm during the winter, realize the multifunction of one shoe.





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