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技术编号:16309111 阅读:19 留言:0更新日期:2017-09-27 02:50

Symmetry method for obtaining active power flow of multiterminal DC power line

A method to obtain the power cable of the multiterminal DC power flow symmetry method, first establish node injection symmetric linear active power on the node voltage offset of Diophantine equations (S1), and then according to the symmetric linear symmetric indefinite linear matrix equations to establish node voltage offset on the node into active power, and access node voltage offset and node voltage of each node total MTDC in power network (S2), according to the branch power flow and nonlinear multi terminal DC power network operation characteristics of the symmetric linear matrix relations, known, symmetric linear relation between linear branch active power flow on the node active power injection, and to obtain linear power flow each branch of MTDC in power network (S3), obtained results are accurate and reliable, simple structure not only meets the multiterminal DC power The real-time operation of network operation and the requirement of large range of operating state are also applied to the complex multiterminal DC power network with complex structure.





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