
技术编号:16281893 阅读:153 留言:0更新日期:2017-09-23 01:22

Power determination method, user equipment and base station

The embodiment of the invention provides a power determination method, a user device and a base station. The method includes: determining the initial transmission object transfer every object in the collection of the initial transmit power; each transmission object in the collection of the transmission objects in the transmit power and is greater than the maximum transmit power, transmission object information corresponding priority based on executive power reduction operations, the available transmit power to for each set of the transmission transfer object object in which every object sets the object transmission transmission of the available transmit power and not greater than the maximum transmit power; in accordance with the available transmit power for each transmission of the transmission object in the object set respectively, each transmission object set send the transfer object in. The power determination method of the embodiment of the invention, the user equipment and the base station can solve the problem that the transmitting power of the object to be transmitted of the user equipment is larger than the maximum transmitting power of the user equipment.





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