
技术编号:15531199 阅读:47 留言:0更新日期:2017-06-04 17:59

Communication method and user equipment based on semi static scheduling SPS resource

The embodiment of the invention relates to a communication method of semi static scheduling of SPS resources and user equipment, which is based on the first user equipment to obtain the transmission resources, the transmission resources including semi static scheduling of SPS resources; determine the implementation of SPS activation operation, through the transmission resources to the second user equipment transmits configuration information, carrying the first indication of information transmission in the configuration information, used to denote the first user equipment and a second user equipment scheduling mode is SPS; when SPS is activated, to the second user equipment transmits configuration information, and in one week period by SPS resources to send second user equipment or receive data packets. As a result, signaling overhead can be effectively reduced, thereby enhancing the utilization ratio of transmission resources.





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